Monday, January 31, 2011

Lessons Learned during the Break (Part Two)

The second part of my “Lessons Learned during the Break” deals with going to Mississippi to visit my dad’s family.  It is always a fun time going down to Mississippi because my father always shows us places he went growing up.  Last year he took us to Jackson State University, the college he graduated from.  This year he took us to Velma Jackson High School, the high school he graduated from.  Throughout the day we visited my aunts and uncles and also saw the house my dad grew up in as a child.  The final visit we had was a real pleasure.  I visited my great great aunt who is 111 years old.  She has witnessed many things in her life being born in 1899.  Despite being elderly she still has some fire in her.  She recited the alphabet backwards from Z to A in less than 10 seconds and also said aloud Psalm 23 by heart. (Two things that I definitely should but do not know how to do).  After visiting my great great aunt I learned the lesson to have fun and enjoy my youth while it lasts because one day I won’t be able to do all the things I am able to do. College and high school should be greatest time in a young person’s life and always cherished.
These were the lessons that I have learned from the older generation in my family.  So word to the wise, listen to your elders because they might just drop a bit of knowledge on you.
Fight the Good Fight
(and learn how to say your alphabet from Z to A in less than 10 seconds.  My great great aunt can and she’s 111)
Ya Boy Archie Wright!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lessons Learned during the Break (Part One)

It’s been a few weeks but I am back at UNT ready to start the semester up and begin writing again.  My first two blogs of this semester will be a little about my break and the lessons I learned.  While on the Christmas break I took a lot of time to get some much needed sleep, play video games, and visit relatives in Louisiana and Mississippi.  It has been a tradition in my family to drive to Louisiana Christmas day and visit my relatives for a few days.  Next we drive to Mississippi and stay for few a days and drive back home to Houston for New Years.  Even though I am 21 years old it is always a privilege to go see my grandparents and the older people in my family because of the knowledge and lessons that I learn from them.  I know visiting my grandfather I am always reminded of the lessons of always be thankful for what you have and laziness is never good.
To know why I get these lessons from my grandfather you must understand him.  My grandfather is the most skilled and hard working person I have ever met.  He knows how to build almost anything and can solve almost any problem that gets thrown at him.  Despite all this my grandfather lacks one thing which is he is illiterate.  As a child my grandfather grew up in a poor family.  To support his family, my grandfather had to drop out of school at an early age and never learned to read.  He learned to live off the land through hunting and fishing, a lesson he still teaches to my cousins and myself.  Despite all these setbacks my grandfather had the will and determination to help his family survive.  Eventually he took up a trade in carpentry and became very successful at it.  To this day he can show you every house he has built.  As I look at my grandfather, I realize that I am blessed to be able to go to college getting an education.  It is something I should never take for granted.  I also realize from my grandfather you cannot go about life being lazy or procrastinating.  These are the lessons I learned from my grandfather and I will always remember them.
The other lesson I learned while on break in Louisiana is if you go to a casino always quit while you're ahead on  the slot machines.  
Fight the Good Fight!
Ya Boy Archie Wright