In a previous blog I discussed about the election for senators, Student Body President, and Vice President. The election results have resulted in a run off election because no candidate recieved 25% of the majority vote. The run off election will take place from April 25 to April 27. From the period of the first election til now, alot has been going on around campus to further fuel the election. This past week several student organizations including: the Feminist Majority Leadership, the UNT National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), and the Gay and Lesbian Association of Denton (GLAD) protested the Student Government Association meeting on Wednesday. Referendums and proposed legislation that were being pushed by NORML and GLAD were not put through this semester which has angered both organizations. It is situations like these that further fuel the importance of the student body elections at UNT. The leadership at UNT is responsible for getting out the referendums and proposed legislation to the student body to vote on.
The election of the the student body president and vice president will greatly influence the legislation that goes on next year. Hopefully the run off election goes well and UNT will finally have it's Student Body President for next year.
Fight the Good Fight
Ya Boy Archie Wright!