Saturday, November 13, 2010

“The Evolution of a Friendship at DP”, Words From a Philosopher

Ok so here’s the deal, along with engineering courses that I have to take this semester, I also have to take a course in philosophy to satisfy the core university requirement of a humanities credit.  While I thought philosophy was going to be a boring course that tried to change my religious beliefs, it has actually turned into a very interesting and challenging course.  While some of the lectures do seem kind of pointless such as if you put your hand in front of your face and close your eyes how do you know its there, other lectures invoke thought such as what is justice or what is a friend.  In the philosophy course we read Plato’s book to get a better understanding of what is a friend.  One major detail that I got out of reading Plato is that a friendship starts out of goodwill and usually stems from a common interest.
Reading this in Plato made think of a lot of the friendships I developed at Discovery Park.  Most of the friends I have made at Discovery Park stemmed from either goodwill or the common interest being in the same class. 
From that common interest of being in the same class, our friendship evolved in working with each other on homework and projects.  From there, we learned that we shared a lot more common interests, such as going to the same church and being involved in the same fraternal organization.
I am glad I have these friends and think of how we probably never would have met if we did not share a common interest of taking the same classes at Discovery Park.
A word of advice to all you engineering students or potential students at Discovery Park, make as many friends as possible whether it stem from goodwill or sharing a common interest. 
You never know how much can evolve from the word Hi.
Fight the Good Fight
Ya Boy Archie Wright!